The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.
The Constitution prohibits interference with the free exercise of religion (government can't tell you what religion to practice) and also prohibits the "establishment" of any religion, which means more or less the same thing. The Government may not say you must belong to "the Church of America" the way people had to belong to the Church of England at one time. These two rules have been called by some (including some of the justices on the Supreme Court) "the separation of church and state." However, the Constitution does not prohibit the state from embracing general religious ideas, like "in God we trust." The concept that "the state" may have no religious thought at all is not a firm legal rule, although some argue that it is. That's the best legal explanation I can give you without getting too technical.Separation of Church and State" is a way to explain the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. And no where in the First Amendment does it state anything about "Freedom FROM Religion". It says "Freedom OF Religion".
Both of these examples are perfectly legal. And, in fact, the Establishment Clause prevents the government from establishing a state church, but not from publicly acknowledging a God (or even Gods). Separation of Church and State does not appear anywhere in the Constitution.
And the reason the founding father wanted the separation of state and Church ..Is the Vatican ..see for a long time the Roman Catholic Church was and still is a Nation ..and in Europe the 2 main churches Were the Catholic Church and the Church of England And both ruled inside the governments of Europe ..Check the Spanish Inquisition , Napoleonic wars,Henry VIII. i wish i had more time to talk about this since this is my favorite topic to discuss Separation of Church and State Also check our Saudi Arabia and Mid east for more examples why i love this part of the Constitution..

sec. I
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