The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The Government may call upon the people to defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions provided by law, to render personal, military or civil service.
THe government is required to serve and to protect the people. This truly underscores that rule those who administer the Goverment are really the servants of and must be accountable to the people.The people are the masters of they posses and are repository of all government authority and upon whom all sovereignty resides. However, The Government may sommon the people to defen the States and it may, therefore, require its citizens under such conditions which the law may provide, to render yhe personal military or civil service. When Government has become hopelessly corrupt and its officials are insentive to the basic to the basic needs of people, commiting injustices everywhere, like ingloriuos Marcos government, then the peolpe after exhuasting all remedies may to take to the streets just loke the edsa revolution in order that their rights maybe upheld, a case of a justified rebellion and a manifestation of true democratic power. Pockect rebellions by limitted groups of people out to protect self-centered interests just simplifydo not enjoy peoples support. Popular democracy is manifested by the peoples power as huge as the Edsa revolutionary group. The people are bright enough to choose which cuases to support.

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