Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to secure the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national territory.
Affirms the supremacy of the civilan authority over the military at all times, evn in a state of emergency or martial law. This is a plain democratic principle design to avoid dictatorship. The states in general role of the military which is to act as protector of the people and the State. Mr Homobono Adaza an dother criticized thi sprovision it does notnot include protection of the govrnment. And what are the elements of the state by the way as we have learned Ploitical Science? They are: territory, people and government. The goal of armed forces is to secure the sovereignty of the State. (there by protecting people and the government) as well as secure the integrity of the national territory.In securing the integrity of the national territory, The armed forces acting under the command of the President must not permit secession of any portion of our national territory, either upon initiave of the people of our islands or with the help o f a foriegn power.

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